Primary school
Students: 111
Student/Teacher Ratio: 33 to 1
Location: 530 La Solana Avenue Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.4494.9303
Primary school
Students: 883
Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.35 to 1
Location: 851 Hickory Street Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.2736
Primary school
Students: 889
Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.60 to 1
Location: 304 Imogene Street Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.3155
Primary school
Students: 477
Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.03 to 1
Location: 4846 SW Shores Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.4511
Primary school
Location: First Baptist Church of Arcadia
1006 N Brevard Avenue, Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.9684
Email: [email protected]
Primary school
Location: First Baptist Church of Fort Ogden
6831 SW Senate St.
Arcadia, FL 34269
Phone: 863.494.2099
Email: [email protected]
Primary school
Location: 201 N 11th Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266
Primary school
Location: Heritage Baptist Church
27 N Polk Ave
Arcadia, FL 34266
Middle School
Students: 1041
Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.35 to 1
Location: 420 E. Gibson St. Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.4133
Middle School
Location: First Baptist Church of Arcadia
1006 N Brevard Avenue, Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.9684
Email: [email protected]
Middle School
Location: First Baptist Church of Fort Ogden
6831 SW Senate St.
Arcadia, FL 34269
Phone: 863.494.2099
Email: [email protected]
Middle School
Location: 201 N 11th Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266
Middle School
Location: Heritage Baptist Church
27 N Polk Ave
Arcadia, FL 34266
Vocational/Trade School
Students: Variable
FTE Teachers: 8.00
Location: 310 W. Whidden Street Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.993.1333
High School
Students: 1175
Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.02 to 1
Location: 1710 E. Gibson Street Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 963.494.3434
High School
Location: First Baptist Church of Arcadia
1006 N Brevard Avenue, Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.9684
Email: [email protected]
High School
Location: First Baptist Church of Fort Ogden
6831 SW Senate St.
Arcadia, FL 34269
Phone: 863.494.2099
Email: [email protected]
High School
Location: 201 N 11th Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.0616
Other contact:
High School
Location: Heritage Baptist Church
27 N Polk Ave
Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 863.494.6890
Other contact:
Physical Address:
Economic Development Office
Turner Agri-Civic Center
2250 N.E. Roan Street
Arcadia, FL 34266
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.